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How to participate

If you have neck or back pain from a recent road traffic crash or workplace injury in Western Australia, you might be eligible to join our study.

We are looking for adults who:

  • were hurt in a motor vehicle collision or workplace injury within the last 12 months,

  • have ongoing neck or back pain, and

  • are lodging a compensation claim through the Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA) or RisckCover.

Participants will be randomly allocated to either usual best practice care through ICWA, or a form of integrated rehabilitation. This involves a novel form of physiotherapist-led care that is integrated with the care you receive from your GP. This may also be integrated with care from a psychologist if crash-related stress is still a challenge for you.

Please read the detailed Participant Information Form to find out more, and then complete the screening survey if you are keen to participate. Otherwise get in touch for more information.

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